A coaching training.-
Do I have what it takes?
I was just asked this question. The background was doubt about professional experience and previous training, as the questioner had never worked in one of the relevant professions.
This reminds me of the secretary of the psychosocial counselling centre I ran many years ago. She was the most capable professional in crisis intervention I have ever experienced, without having received any sound training. She received all the requests for counselling.
She then had to deal spontaneously with the fears and worries presented to her on the phone so that people could wait with confidence and renewed hope for an appointment by us „professionals“.
Everyone with experience with counselling and coaching knows that this first contact with the helper system determines the success of the counselling that follows later.
Formally, she had no qualifications for crisis intervention, nor did she have the formal prerequisites for coaching training, which are certainly desirable. But she was a master at what she did. I would happily include her in one of my later training groups.
Among the groups that I also consider to be qualified for coaching training, I include the women (and men) who have spent many years of their lives bringing up children and caring for their sick parents. I also consider them to have the necessary practical experience in solving psychosocial problems.
I am Eberhard Bohrisch, a systemic psychologist and one of the few active coaches with more than 50 years of professional experience.