To play an organ or
mastering one’s life.
What is the greater challenge? Anyone who has ever seen the console of a great organ knows the feeling: „How can anyone cope with such diversity?“
Mastering life is even more complex! Both can be learned, by the way!
Listening to an organ piece by Carpentier or Bach can be overwhelming. Having an idea of how the composer and organist do it, that so many notes together make such a miracle of sound and dynamics, enhances the listening experience many times.
Talking to people is as exciting and satisfying as a good piece of music. In training events, I accompany women and men in discovering and learning how to deal with others in a counselling way.
It gives me great pleasure to encourage them to explore complex and unique contexts and to experience how they can encourage their counterparts to look at themselves from new perspectives.
In January, we at the Coaching Institute in Wendland will start a new training series in #SystemicCoaching. We will accompany the participants in shaping their learning process to become a coach according to their needs and professional goals.
They will learn to develop their own way of using their own emotional and behavioural repertoire so that their clients can take a good, self-determined development.
If you want to find out if our training is something for you, or if you want to find out which other possibilities are more suitable for you, please get in touch with us. We will schedule a detailed, complimentary coaching session with you.
I am Eberhard Bohrisch, a systemic psychologist and one of the few active coaches with more than 50 years of professional experience.